Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Episode Comics Unveils "The Masquerade™"

Behind the Mysterious Mask, Guru City superhero "The Masquerade™" is really "Gabriel Kobo", a Billionaire industrialist and philanthropist. Having survived an assassination attempt, Gabriel learns of the brutal murder of his powerful father at the hands of the same assassins. He soon discovers an ancient and mysterious mask in the family estate which gives its chosen wearer incredible powers and abilities. When Gabriel dons the mask, he transforms into the powerful and legendary "Masquerade" and is bestowed with superhuman powers and abilities beyond that of mortal men. As the Masquerade, Gabriel fights crime and strikes fear in the hearts of those who would wish others ill or harm.

The Masquerade™: Created by Chiemezie Okeke-Ojiudu & Drawn by Nnanna Akwu



Lumbaland™ is a comic book series created and owned by Episode Comics. The series features a broad range of loony and mischievous characters who all come under the Lumbaland title. Quintessentially African, the Lumbaland universe is strictly comedy based and has many interesting and colourful characters.

Current Characters; Leggy Lizard (Lumbaland's Mascot), Roko the Rooster, Giddy Goat, Kebab, Hazard Hawk, Roger the Rat, Tofu the Tortoise, Madam Doom Doom and Super Roach.

Lumbaland™: Created by Chiemezie Okeke-Ojiudu and Drawn by Onos Anama.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Photos from Episode's Abuja & Lagos Launch

Episode Comics Logo
Episode founder, Chiemezie Okeke-Ojiudu with a staff at the Company's Abuja launch
Photos from the launch of Episode's comic book distribution division in Abuja and Lagos.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Stuff

Hello Peeps, i feel very happy to inform you all of the new artist we've brought on board the Episode team. A highly skilled individual whose art work is equal if not better than those of known Marvel and DC trained artists. The artist who is foreign trained but has roots in Nigeria will uplift the face and prospects of the company towards a brighter future.

We will soon post his content and work online.

But i assure you that everything you are going to see will be the best. There is...Our Boss, Chiemezie 'Mezio' Okeke-Ojiudu who is very driven and ingenuous has assured the launch of the "Masquerade" series this year.

So for now, stay tuned. If there are comments or questions, please feel free to ask.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Recent Developments

Hello Folks, its really been a very busy time for the Episode Team in the last 3 weeks. The Episode Team Staged an Audition for talented artists and cartoonists across Nigeria. Men, it wasn't easy interviewing, scoring, and making remarks on the wonderful art works/ comics strips presented.

The audition was held in Victoria Island, Lagos. At the end, we got the very best and contract terms are currently being discussed.

Also, we are currently reaching some terms with the copy rights commission as regards protection of new works currently being processed, we expect things to go smoothly.

As usual, we are still on our promise to deliver the best comic books out of Africa. So fans and partners, we promise never to let you down...All the best to you from the Episode Team.

Episode Comics will soon post its strips and Character images online.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Time Is Now.

Welcome to Episode Comics, an endless world of toon and character depictions. With new ideas and marketing deals being sealed, Episode Comics is set to take the Comic book Industry In Nigeria and Africa by out for our latest comic book super heroes such as "Harmattan" and "The Masquerade", and popular toons in "Lumbaland" like Leggy Lizard, Roko the Rooster, Gidi Goat and Super Roach.....all these and more are coming to stores near you.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Episode Comics

Episode Media Logo

Episode Comics is a major comic book company operating in the Nigerian and African market. It is the comic book publishing division of Episode Media. Episode Comics produces material featuring a large number of well-known characters.